
We hope that any concerns you have can be raised and addressed by staff informally. However, if you are still unsatisfied after speaking to us, we do have a formal procedure in place.

    Formal procedure – Stage 1

    1. The complainant must put the complaint in writing by email to with the subject marked as “Complaint”. If the complainant has a disability which prevents them from using email they should contact the Foundation for assistance on +44 (0) 7889 052461. The complaint should be addressed to Mr Guy Innes, The Governor of the Foundation.

    2. The Foundation will acknowledge receipt of the complaint by email and pass the complaint to the Governor as appropriate for investigation.

    3. An investigation of the complaint will be carried out by the Governor.

    4. The Governor may, if appropriate, discuss the matter with the complainant. This may be during a meeting or on the telephone. If a discussion is considered appropriate by the Governor it will take place, if reasonably possible, within 15 working days of the complaint being received.

    5. The Governor will then put his or her findings in writing and indicate to the complainant what steps if any should be taken to resolve the matter. Whenever reasonably possible this will be done within 15 working days of the discussion with the complainant at 4 above or, in the event of no discussion, within 30 working days of the initial complaint.

    Where a complaint relates to the Governor, the Chair of Trustees will take over his role. Otherwise, the procedure for the First Stage will remain the same.