Striking Gardens
The Walled Kitchen Garden was restored in 1996 as an illustration of Victorian horticultural techniques and is one of the best surviving of its kind
Reflecting the grandeur of the house, the varied gardens of Titsey Place are always a highlight, with far-reaching views from the upper terrace stretching all the way from the Eden valley to the start of the Greensand Ridge.
Walled Kitchen Garden
One of the best surviving of its kind. Restored in 1996, the plot accurately recreates how seasonal crops would have been cultivated back in Victorian times. Today you can see an abundance of summer annual flowers, fruit and vegetables, ranging from tomatoes to gooseberries, kiwi and nectarines, being harvested, some of which find their way into our popular café.
Titsey House & Gardens
Jubilee Rose Garden
Walking around the Jubilee Rose Garden you will delight in the wide array of varieties on display. Aside for climbing roses and ramblers, we have a selection of Gallicas, China, Bourbons, Hybrid Perpetuals and more modern Hybrid Teas & English roses.
Titsey House & Gardens
Glass Houses
For more exotic plants, including our very own Cavendish Banana Plant, head to the glass houses. These showcase a range of tropical plants and flowers rarely seen outside of their native habitat.
Gardener’s Blogs
Autumns Ups & Downs
As autumn gives way inevitably to winter, people often state that there can’t be much to do in our garden over the winter! But large gardens are a little bit like an iceberg, the casual observer only sees just a little of what really goes on. There is always lots to...
A Busy Summer
Well let’s not mutter too much about this summer’s weather. We’ve still got September to go! Despite the lack of warmth this July and August we have had a good growing year in our melon pit. We have come across a really good melon variety called ‘Pepito‘. It seems to...
Gardener’s Blog – Titsey
Hello, and welcome to the first of the Head Gardener’s blogs. We aim to reach out to all of our gardening friends who take the time to visit our website. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Titsey Place, we are a 15 acre garden with two Walled Gardens (one...